Este episodio es la síntesis exacta de la razón por la cual la Fórmula 1 pasó de ser un enfrentamiento de garagistas ingleses contra un industrial italiano, a un megacampeonato mundial que produce ricos y famosos. El responsable es uno solo: Bernie Ecclestone.

Una semana después de haber sido golpeado por delincuentes en las calles de Londres, el supremo transformó el incidente en un ingreso económico adicional. ¿Te acordás como le dejaron el ojo? Le pegaron para robarle más de 300 mil dólares en joyas, incluyendo un carísimo reloj Hublot, producido por la afamada casa suiza que es sponsor de la F-1.

La cuestión es que Bernie transformó una muestra de su típico, seco humor inglés (“Mirá lo que hacen por un Hublot”) en un golpe de marketing. Esa frase es, precisamente, la que preside una nueva campaña publicitaria de la compañía relojera, que incluye una foto de Ecclestone con el ojo en compota. El aviso saldrá mañana en el Financial Times y en el International Herald Tribune.

¿No es cierto que le pone calcomanías a las balas y hace asados abajo del agua?

(Si querés, podés mirar la colección de esos relojes en el siguiente link:


Los relojes no cuestan menos de 12 mil dólares, y en la serie Gold podés encontrar uno de 280 mil dólares…)




  1. como para mandarlos al paredon a los de marketing… yo pensaba que no habia cosa que me produjera mas asco que el viejo ese, ahora me retracto: el viejo ese golpeado.
    No se pusieron a pensar, la gente de hublot, en los sentimientos que se van a asociar a su producto es totalmente negativo?
    por otro lado, no sorprende que eccleston haga guita hasta de las cosas mas impensadas. Como empresario un genio, como persona una mierda!

  2. comparto tu opinion anonimo" A mi personalmente me causa mucho asco este tipo. Muy groso para hacer guita, sabra que cuando se muera la deja toda aca?? que otros la van a disfrutar? Un payaso

  3. I posted most of this cmmneot to Ed Gorman’s blog over at The Times, but thought it fit in pretty well in response to your post I really think there is just so much more to it than Max’s private life being private Max Mosely still needs to go, regardless of whether there were Nazi undertones or not.He chose to put himself into the public domain when he ran for the presidency of the FIA. He has, by choice, been high profile in the administration of this position. The organization, for which he is the public face, is one whose life blood depends on its reputation for high moral and ethical standards. Sponsorships rely on the reputation of the underlying organization to reflect the positive attributes they are selling to the public.Sado-masochistic orgies are outside the socially acceptable norms for most of these sponsors. Now, we can debate all day long whether they should be or not, but the point is they aren’t right now. The vast majority of companies who have chosen to connect their names and reputation to Formula 1 do not want to be, in any way, associated with orgies and S & M.Even Max reflects this understanding. He states how embarrassed his family is by the revelations of his actions. He neglects to connect the humiliation to his actions, however, just the revelations. As it is apparent he understands the lack of acceptance of his actions by society as a whole he had two choices. Either not indulge in such activities or step down from the FIA before pursuing his “needs.” Although this revelation would have been a source of huge amusement were Max the “former FIA president” it would be appropriately relegated to a “his private life is his own business” story.And I’ll tell you, when this story is being reported all over the US media where F1 news is virtually never covered, sponsors are going to howl and I can’t see how Bernie or the new corporate owners are going to let Max stay.Because I can’t help myself do you think Viagra is now considering sponsorship with F1? Or do you think they have approached Max to be a spokesperson for a new campaign they are calling “5 for 5”?

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